can be used as a residual surface treatment of domestic building. Restaurants, Beverage, Pharma Industries, Hospitals, Warehouses, Barracks, Food Storage Area, Dairy Farm Building, Poultry Farm Houses, Against Poultry Red Mites & Ticks and also used for Mosquito nets
Recommendation for use:
Max-3T should be mixed @100-150ml in 10 liter of water to cover an area of 80 sq meter and apply with any type of spraying equipment thoroughly on walls, floor of bathrooms. Kitchen, drain lines- and insects hiding places.
Thermal Fogging :
Dilute 700ml Max-3 in 9 liter kerosine or diesel oil and spray 500ml per Hector. Max-3TM keep the insects eg. Dengue Mosquitos, Flies, Cockroaches, Ants, Termites, Bed Bugs, Sand Flies and Silverfish etc. Away from 1 to 2 Weeks.
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