is a new termiticide containing the noval active ingredient “fipronil” which belong to a relatively new chemical group phenly pyrozoal it acts on the insect by ingestion and by contact. It’s Unique mode of action inhabits the nerve impulse and make it different from other available termiticide “Legend ” Insure intensive and complete control against all types of termite and wood boring insects.
Direction for Use :
Legend ltr Mix in Ltr of Water SQ: feet
1 250 540
Pre-construction : Spray shower or flood the water mixed solution @5 liters per sq meter (10.76sq Feet ) Into.
- Foundation Pits
- Foundation when reaches at DPC level.
- Before Construction of temporary floor.
- Between Constructed area and other outer plot boundry before conceret.
Drill holes inside and outside the walls at every 2 ft distance inject or pour solution @5 liters per hole in order to create a barrier inside. and outside around the walls and ground surface. All holes on wooden doors cupboards, windows and their frames.
Usage on wooden :
In one liter “Legend ” mix 40liters of water and spray with low pressure spray pump on wooden fixtures or apply with brush or dip wood in its solution.