Attack Ltr DDVP
Attack is a fast acting having instant knock down effect. it belongs to the powerful organophosphate group of insectiside which are very effective against household insect specially cockroaches, Mosquitos,Wasps, Houseflies, Bedbugs, Lizards & Other Lawn insect species etc. Attack is a contact poison insectside and is highlu recommended for the control of household public health and stored products insects. Attack can also be used in combination with other regular insectside expect with those of alkaline nature.
Dosage :
One liter Attack is to emulisified with 50-100 liters of water for spray according to the infestation of insects in the vicnity to be sprayed.Safety Measure :
Similar to other insectiside :- Avoid contact with eyes and possible inhalation.
- Keep tight closed in a safe place.
- Keep away from the childern's reach.
- While Spraying avoid food stuff and contact with fire.